Kenneth Reid
Kenneth Reid
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I have been active in Engineering Education and in the IEEE since serving as Central Indiana Chair and a member of the IEEE-USA STEM Literacy Committee in 1999-2000. I am currently the Associate Dean and Director of Engineering at the R. B. Annis School of Engineering at the University of Indianapolis and an Affiliate in Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. I try to take any opportunity to serve and to promote engineering education. I have served on the Board of Directors for the Technology Student Association (TSA) for over ten years, written, presented, and reviewed papers for Frontiers in Education and other conferences, and active in engineering in K-12 through the e4usa project (intending to introduce engineering to all students), helped develop and promote the IEEE Teacher in Service Program, and have written numerous texts.
I was awarded an IEEE-USA Professional Achievement Award (2013) for designing the B.S. degree in Engineering Education, Outstanding Precollege Education Activities in IEEE Sections, and the IEEE Third Millennium Medal. I have also been awarded multiple best paper awards including the Wickenden award (Best Paper, Journal of Engineering Education, 2014) and Best Paper award, Educational Research and Methods Division (ASEE, 2014). I am an active member in IEEE and ASEE, and a member of Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu.
My passion for engineering education helped drive me to become the seventh person with a Ph.D. in Engineering Education (Purdue University, 2009). I have a strong record of success in organizations in which I volunteer, and a passion for Engineering Education, and will work effectively with others on the Committee to build upon the success of the IEEE Education Committee. In addition to my Ph.D. in Engineering Education with an M.S. in Electrical Engineering, and extensive experience in programs at the intersection of engineering and education. I have also been an advocate for IEEE Education Society programs; for example, leading a team of engineering education students to a tour of public and private schools in the Dominican Republic introducing the IEEE TISP activities, and in the early stages on a project expanding pre-university engineering education to Ghana, with a vision to expand globally. I developed and implemented the first Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering Education at Ohio Northern University, focusing on the design of a program to make a systemic difference in engineering in the K-12 / pre-university system.
I believe my qualifications make me an excellent candidate for a position on the Board, and I would be honored to serve.
Position Statement:
I believe every working engineer has a responsibility to give back to our profession. I have a passion for and a strong interest in systematically introducing engineering into the pre-university, K-12 level, and building successful programs to see students succeed in engineering at the university level. If selected, I will work to help the Education Society 1) expand and promote EdSoc Conferences, 2) strive for systemic and lasting differences in pre-university, K-12 and undergraduate education in engineering throughout all IEEE Regions, and 3) work within the Society to ensure it remains strong, effective, and fiscally sound.
As we continue to emerge from a pandemic and become a more interconnected, community through all IEEE Regions, and as we identify issues on local and global scales that require an engineering solution, I firmly believe the IEEE Education Society is an organization which can make a difference. I’ve attended Frontiers in Education for decades, and believe it’s one of the best means for dissemination within the Engineering Education community. Other conferences sponsored by the Society are outstanding. Beyond conferences, I believe the infrastructure exists within the Education Society to affect positive change. The Society has a suite of publications and resources in place, and a strong record of achievement. I believe in the mission and share a passion for engineering education, and would be honored to serve in this role.