IEEE Education Week 2024

IEEE Education Week is a weeklong celebration of educational opportunities provided by IEEE and its many organizational units, societies and councils from around the world. IEEE Education Week is a great way to explore education programs and offerings from IEEE.
- 16 April 2:00 - 4:00 PM - IEEE Education Society Standards Development
- 17 April 10:00 - 11:00 AM EDT - AI Impact in Education: Experiences and Practical Tips | CANCELLED
- 17 April 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Delivering Interactive Education and Worker Training to Mobile and Computer Users
- 18 April 1:30 - 2:30 PM - IEEE Education Society & IEEE Educational Activities Board’s Teaching Excellence Hub
- 19 April 12:00 - 1:50 PM - Panel session with IEEE Transaction on Education (ToE) and IEEE Transaction on Learning Technologies (TLT) Editors in Chief and Associate Editors
IEEE Education Week 2023

The IEEE Education Society has put together four exciting events for IEEE Education Week 2023, 2- 8 April 2023. Thank you for participating in one or all of the activities put on by the IEEE Education Society.
To read more about the successful IEEE Education Week IEEE Education Society events from the Vice President of Education Activities, Hamadou Saliah-Hassane, click below.
IEEE Magnetics Society Standards Committee (MG/SC) online educational workshop: "Importance of Standards and impacts/benefits to academia and industry"
3 April 2023: 9:00 PM - 10:30 PM EDT | Co-Sponsored by the IEEE Education Society
In order to prepare colleagues who are interested to serve in the Technical Subcommittees and those who are interested to develop IEEE standards in magnetics, the IEEE Magnetics Society Standards Committee (MG/SC) is organizing an online educational workshop: "Importance of standards and impacts/benefits to academia and industry".
Read More About This Co-Sponsored Event Here
WRITE WAY - Blogs of Reflections and Revelations - Best Lesson Learned in your Life
19 March - 4 April 2023 | Organized by the IEEE Education Society Young Professionals Committee
On behalf of IEEE Education Week, we are excited to announce a blog writing competition, “WRITE WAY- Blogs of Reflections and Revelations”. It is on the topic “Best Lesson Learned in your Life”. Participants will be granted a Digital Certificate of Participation by IEEE Education Society YP Committee and the Best blog will be uploaded in social media (website). Register your entries before April 4, 2023, 11:59 PM IST. No submission after this date shall be entertained.
Publishing in Engineering Education Journals
4 April 2023: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT | Presented by John E. Mitchell, EiC of IEEE ToE, Vice President Publications, IEEE Education Society
The aim of this session is to give participants insight into the requirements of publishing educational research work in engineering education journals with a specific focus on the IEEE Transactions on Education. It will cover the areas of work and types of papers typically considered in scope for the journal and will give guidance on what is typically expected of papers by reviewers. The audience is Engineering Academics and Education researchers looking to develop their current educational research or educational conference papers into journal articles.
A Session for Recent IEEE Education Society Student Awardees (2022-2023)
8 April 2023: 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM EDT | Organized by the IEEE Education Society Vice President of Educational Activities, Hamadou Saliah-Hassane
This event is organized by the IEEE Education Society as part of IEEE Education Week 2023. Its objective is to provide an opportunity for student leaders participating in our Society’s activities to showcase their respective contributions and to continue the networking that is nowadays essential for lifelong professional development. To the other participants in this session, it is an opportunity for us to encourage emulation among the colleagues of these recently awarded students.
IEEE Education Week 2022
The IEEE Education Society participated in IEEE Education Week 2022. This was a weeklong celebration of educational opportunities provided by IEEE and its many organizational units, societies, and councils from around the world. Recordings from our Society-sponsored events can be found below.
AcronymEdWeek 2022DateSeriesIEEE Education Week 2022
AcronymEdWeek 2022DateSeriesIEEE Education Week 2022
AcronymEdWeek 2022DateSeriesIEEE Education Week 2022
AcronymEdWeek 2022DateSeriesIEEE Education Week 2022
AcronymEdWeek 2022DateSeriesIEEE Education Week 2022