Below is a list of IEEE Education Society Awards and Recognitions that are given throughout the year. Select an award to read more information about that particular recognition.
IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award
DescriptionThe IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award was established by the Board of Directors in 1990 to honor teachers of electrical and electronics engineering and the related disciplines.
Benjamin J. Dasher Best Conference Paper Award
DescriptionTo recognize the best paper presented at the annual Frontiers in Education Conference.
Best Doctoral Dissertation Award in the Field of Engineering Education
DescriptionTo recognize the author of an outstanding doctoral dissertation in the field of engineering education.
Chapter Achievement Award
DescriptionTo recognize a chapter that provides exemplary technical activities, membership services, and societal activities to its members.
Distinguished Chapter Leadership Award
DescriptionTo recognize a Society member who has, over a sustained period of time, made an exceptional contribution to the Society, which has manifested itself at a local Chapter.
Distinguished Member Award
DescriptionTo recognize outstanding long-term service to the IEEE Education Society and significant contributions in fields of interest to the IEEE.
Edwin C. Jones, Jr. Meritorious Service Award
DescriptionTo recognize pioneering contributions to the administrative efforts of the IEEE Education Society over a period of years.
Harriett B. Rigas Award
DescriptionTo recognize the outstanding engineering faculty women who have made a significant contribution to undergraduate education.
Helen Plants Outstanding Conference Special Session Award
DescriptionTo recognize the best special session of the annual Frontiers in Education Conference.
IEEE Bhagawandas and Rajani Lathi Award for Excellence in Engineering Textbooks
DescriptionTo recognize excellence in first-edition English language printed textbooks used to teach electrical and electronics engineering to advanced undergraduates and graduate students.
IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal
DescriptionThis award was established in 1956 by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and continued by the Board of Directors of IEEE.
IEEE Student Leadership Award
DescriptionTo annually honor an IEEE member who has made an exceptional contribution to the Society while they were an IEEE Graduate Student Member or an IEEE Student Member.
IEEE Transactions on Education Theodore E. Batchman Best Paper Award
DescriptionTo recognize the best paper published in the IEEE Transactions on Education.
IEEE William E. Sayle II Award for Achievement in Education
DescriptionTo recognize significant contributions over a period of years in the fields of interest to the IEEE Education Society.
Mac Van Valkenburg Early Career Teaching Award
DescriptionTo recognize members of the IEEE Education Society who have made outstanding contributions to teaching unusually early in their professional careers.
Ronald J. Schmitz Award
DescriptionTo recognize outstanding and continued service to engineering education through contributions to the Frontiers in Education Conference.