Luis Felipe Zapata-Rivera
Luis Felipe Zapata-Rivera
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Luis Felipe Zapata-Rivera earned the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from Florida Atlantic University and the M.S degree in engineering from the Eafit University and the bachelor’s degree in systems engineering from the same institution in Medellin-Colombia. He currently works as an Assistant Professor at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ, USA. He worked as a Research Assistant at LACCEI and he is the Vice-Chair of the P1876–Networked Smart Learning Objects for Online Laboratories standard working group of IEEE. In the past, he worked as a Researcher Assistant at Eafit University. His research areas include online laboratories, online assessment systems and IoT systems. He has developed software systems for the automatic assessment (computer-based assessments), platforms for the management of online laboratories. He has published several conference and journal papers on online laboratories, assessment tools for education and software architectures. He received the Best Paper Award at IEEE-REV 2016.