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Manuel Caeiro-Rodríguez (M’07–SM’11) received the degree in telecommunication engineering and the Ph.D. degree in information and communication technologies from the University of Vigo, Spain, where he is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Telematic Engineering. He teaches computer programming, software engineering, and computer architectures with the School of Telecommunications Engineering. His current research interests include e-learning technologies and standards, CSCL, process-based systems, and educational modeling languages. He has performed research stays with the University of Coimbra, Portugal; IRISA, Rennes, France; MTA-ZSTAKI, Budapest, Hungary; University of Kumamoto, Japan; and ISEP, Porto, Portugal. He is currently focused on the development of solutions to support users using and exploiting open educational resources. He has been coordinating the research network TELGalicia, since 2012. He received the 2007 Spanish Chapter IEEE Education Society Award for the best Doctoral Thesis. He has received other prices, such as the New Faculty Fellowship in the 36th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, the Education Track Best Paper and Conference Best Paper Finalist in the World Wide conference, in 2002, and the Highlight Paper in the World Wide Web conference, in 2001.