Minjuan Wang
Minjuan Wang
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As of July 2022, the IEEE Education Society’s Board of Governors appointed Dr. Minjuan Wang, Professor of Learning Design and Tech at San Diego State University as the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT). Since 2024, Minjuan has taken on a new adventure as Chair Professor (Emerging Technologies and Future Education) and Executive Co-Director for the Global Institute for Emerging Technologies (GIET), at the well-regarded Education University of Hong Kong.
Established in 2008, IEEE-TLT currently is considered a top-tier journal by several international academic journal ranking systems. It is one of the very few journals that are indexed by SSCI, SCI, and EI. Mark J. W. Lee served as its EiC from January 2019 - June 2022. View IEEE TLT on IEEE Xplore.
As a prolific author and an experienced editor, Minjuan’s main goal is to tighten the journal’s collaboration with IEEE conferences, so as to attract high-quality papers to its regular and special issues. In turn, this collaboration will improve the journal’s impact, ranking, and will also increase the influence, indexing, and attendance of these IEEE conferences (e.g., EduCon, TALE, iLRN). In addition, Minjuan brings a large professional network spanning across several continents (e.g., North America, Asia, Europe, and South America), which will certainly contribute to the journal’s visibility. Minjuan will serve as the EiC for 3 years until 2025, renewable for another term.
- Present TC-ILE Vice-Chairs (TC-ILE Membership)
- 2022-Present Editor-in-Chief (IEEE TLT) (Publications Committee)
- 2022-Present Editor-in-Chief (IEEE TLT) (IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Editorial Board)