Nalin Sharda Email Biography Nalin Sharda gained B.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Presently he teaches and leads research in innovative applications of computer technologies at the School of Engineering and Science, Victoria University, Australia. He has held visiting professor positions at Aachen University -Germany, Karlstad University -Sweden, Jaypee University of Information Technology -India, and Florida Atlantic University -USA. Dr. Sharda’s publications include the Multimedia Information Networking textbook, eTourism research book, and around 120 papers and handbook chapters. Nalin has invented the Movement Oriented Design (MOD) paradigm for the creation of effective multimedia content-based experience and applied it to e-Learning and other applications. Nalin has led e-Tourism projects for the Australian Sustainable Tourism CRC and is currently guiding research in the innovative applications of ICT systems to sustainable living and creative life-long learning. Nalin has been invited to present lectures and seminars in the Distinguished Lecturer series of the European Union’s Prolearn program. He has presented over fifty seminars, lectures, and Key Note addresses in Austria, Australia, Bangladesh, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Japan, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, and the USA. Download CV Position(s) & Affiliation(s) Victoria University Australia