• Current 2025 Awards Nomination Form
  • Nominator Information
  • Nominee Information
  • Nominee's Educational & Professional Background
  • Nominee's Contributions
  • Evidence of Accomplishments
  • References
  • Preview
  • Complete

IEEE Education Society Society, Achievement, & Leadership Awards

2025 Nomination Form

The deadline to submit awards nominations is 30 June 2025. 

Instructions for Nominators: 

Please complete the following awards nomination form to the best of your ability. Once the nomination form is submitted, a copy of your nomination and instructions for submitting reference letters will be emailed to you and the references you indicate on page seven (7) of the form. Please note, the nomination is not complete and will not be considered until all three reference letters have been submitted. It is your responsibility to follow-up with reference until all letters are received.

Name of Award:
This award recognizes outstanding long-term service to the IEEE Education Society and significant contributions in an IEEE Field of Interest. Recipients must have been members of the Society for at least ten years and are selected for leadership quality, innovative and important contributions, service, dedication, and technical achievements.
This Award is given to a member of the IEEE Education Society to recognize pioneering contributions to the administrative efforts of the Society over a period of years, as evidenced by dedication, effort, and contributions.
This Award is given to a member of the IEEE Education Society to recognize significant contributions over a period of years in one of the Fields of Interest of the IEEE Education Society.
This award recognizes members of the IEEE Education Society who have made outstanding contributions to teaching unusually early in their professional careers, as evidenced by teaching performance, development of new teaching methods, and curricular innovation in fields of interest to the IEEE Education Society.
This Award recognizes an exceptional contribution to the Education Society by a person who was an IEEE Graduate Student Member or an IEEE Student Member at the time the exceptional contribution was made.
To recognize a Society member who has, over a sustained period of time, made an exceptional contribution to the Society, which has manifested itself at a local chapter.