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To recognize the author of an outstanding doctoral dissertation in the field of engineering education.


$2,000 honorarium, plaque and certificate for the author of the dissertation. No travel allowance to receive the award.


IEEE Education Society.


Annually, at the Frontiers in Education Conference.

Basis for Judging

The dissertation must demonstrate technical depth and significance expected of independent and creative expansion of knowledge in engineering education. It must be original, well-written, organized, thoughtfully consider the prior art, expand knowledge, and successfully argue the broader impacts the work has for engineering education and future engineers.


The author of the dissertation must be an IEEE Education Society member holding the grade of Graduate Student Member or higher at the time of nomination. The dissertation must have been written in English and defended no earlier than two years prior to the year the award is presented. A dissertation written in another language is eligible provided an English language translation is provided at the time of nomination. The dissertation must result in the degree PhD or EdD.

Nomination Deadline
30 June



For an outstanding dissertation proposing methods to enhance the way ethical behavior develops as a student learns to write computer programs.