Award/Recognition Menu
To recognize the outstanding engineering faculty women who have made a significant contribution to undergraduate education.
Future Rigas Awards are currently suspended until the Society secures a new industrial sponsor.
A stipend of $2,000, a Plaque, a Certificate and registration to the Frontiers in Education Conference the year the award is received, and expenses for the recipient to attend the Frontiers in Education Conference to receive the award.
Annually, at the Frontiers in Education Conference. The presentation will be made by a representative of the Hewlett-Packard Company.
Must be tenure or tenure-track woman faculty member selected on the basis of excellence in undergraduate teaching and a commitment to undergraduate engineering education within an IEEE ABET/CSAB program. Other factors to be considered are demonstrated scholarship, evidence of the development of educational technology which enhances student learning, dedication to increasing under-represented groups in engineering, and service to the engineering profession.
A woman must be a tenure or tenure track faculty member of one of the ABET/CSAB accredited engineering programs for which the IEEE has responsibility for the program criteria, and who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to undergraduate education.
Future Rigas Awards are currently suspended until the Society secures a new industrial sponsor.

For excellence and outstanding leadership in signal processing, education, and
For excellence in communications engineering, education and promoting equity