Award/Recognition Menu
The purpose of the Student Leadership Award is to annually honor an IEEE member who has made an exceptional contribution to the Society while they were an IEEE Graduate Student Member or an IEEE Student Member.
The award consists of a $500 USD stipend and a commemorative plaque.
IEEE Education Society
Annually, at Frontiers in Education Conference unless other arrangements are made with the Awards Committee Chair
The award is based upon evidence of an exceptional contribution to the Education Society. Selection criteria include leadership roles and leadership quality, innovative and important services/contributions to the Education Society.
An individual nominated for this award must be, or must have been, an IEEE Graduate Student Member or an IEEE Student Member at the time he/she was involved in the activity cited in the nomination. The award is based upon evidence of an exceptional contribution to the Education Society. Typically one award recipient will be selected per year, however, at their discretion, the Student Leadership Award Committee may select as many as 2 recipients, or, may choose not to bestow this award.
For outstanding leadership and dedication in advancing STEM education and promoting technological innovation through impactful projects and initiatives that have significantly benefited diverse communities, fulfilling IEEE's mission of promoting technological innovation and excellence for the greater good of humanity.
For unwavering commitment to advancing and disseminating technology and educational practices within IEEE, while also demonstrating exceptional dedication to supporting and benefiting humanity.
For promoting professional, personal, business, and technical development through educational projects and initiatives as member of the Education Society showing outstanding leadership capabilities within the IEEE.
For exemplary leadership abilities contributing to the growing number of student members involved in IEEE Education Society activities as well as for catalyzing their career
development and opportunities.
For participation in educational projects adding value to allow professional and personal growth
For promoting pioneering contributions and leadership as a Student Member of the IEEE Education Society
For showing the lighted path of success to volunteers with the potential through the global platform of IEEE to enhance the skills within the Education Society and also for being an inspiration for peer groups to be an innovator that leads to leadership for better living