Award/Recognition Menu
To recognize a chapter that provides exemplary technical activities, membership services, and societal activities to its members.
$1,000 stipend to be used for chapter activities and award certificates for the chapter officers.
IEEE Education Society
Annually, at Frontiers in Education Conference unless other arrangements are made with the Awards Committee Chair.
Selection will be based upon all of the following factors: a) the quality and quantity of activity and programs sponsored by the chapter; b) demonstration of successful outreach programs to the professional/education community; c) growth in chapter membership; and d) interaction with other Chapters/Students Chapters/Affinity Groups/Units within their Section.
A nominated chapter must be an active Society chapter in good standing with the IEEE. No chapter may receive this award more than once in a four-year period.

For the outstanding dedication to educational excellence, technical activities, and community building within IEEE and Education Society, significantly impacting both members and the broader society.

For sustained commitment to organizing high quality activities that impact engineering education through research and practice.

For innovative programs and services to engage diverse member populations for lifelong learning.

For contributions to the engagement and new international activities of the IEEE Education Society members in the Bangladesh (and India) area.