Manuel Castro

Manuel Castro

IEEE Region
Region 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)

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Manuel Castro (M’87–SM’94–F’08) received the Industrial Engineering degree and the Ph.D. degree in engineering from ETSII/Madrid Polytechnic University, Spain.

He was the National University of Distance Education’s (UNED’s) New Technologies Vice-Rector, the UNED’s Information Services Center Director, the Research and Doctorate Vice-Director, the Vice-Director of Academic Affairs with the School of Engineering, UNED, and the Director of the Department. He worked for five years in Digital Equipment Corporation, as a Senior System Engineer. He is currently Full Professor of electronics technology.

Prof. Castro belongs to the organizing committee of the IEEE EDUCON (past-Chair), the IEEE TALE (chair), the IEEE LWMOOCs (past-Chair) and TAEE conferences. He is a past member of the Board of Directors (BoD) of the IEEE, as Division VI Past Director, a member of the Administration Committee and Board of Governors (AdCOM/BoG) from 2005 to 2024, and Past President and President Emeritus of the IEEE Education Society. He is the founder of the IEEE Education Society Spanish Chapter and Past chair, He was a recipient of the Extraordinary Doctoral Award from the UPM and the 1988 Viesgo Doctoral Thesis Award for improving Scientific Research on Industrial Process Electricity Application. He has been world-renowned with several awards, including the 2017 Nikola Tesla Award for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Engineering Pedagogy, IGIP (International Society for Engineering Education), the.2019 IEEE William E. Sayle Award for Achievement in Education of the IEEE Education Society and the 2022 IEEE EDUNINE 2022 Outstanding Recognition Award in recognition and appreciation of your dedication supporting the IEEEEDUNINE conference and engineering education, IEEE EDUNINE (World EducationEngineering Conference). He is Honor Ambassador of the Madrid Convention Bureau and IEEE HKN Professional member.

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