Mac Van Valkenburg Early Career Teaching Award

To recognize members of the IEEE Education Society who have made outstanding contributions to teaching unusually early in their professional careers.

Nominate Today or Submit a Reference Letter

$1,000 honorarium, Plaque and Certificate; paid registration to the Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference.
IEEE Education Society
Annually, at the Frontiers in Education Conference
Basis for Judging:
The award is based upon evidence of distinction in teaching by faculty at an early stage in their careers, including teaching performance, development of new teaching methods, and curricular innovation, in fields of interest to the IEEE Education Society. Nominations must include the candidates statement of teaching philosophy and practice, a maximum of five letters of support from students and peers, and student evaluative data including comments. The committee counts contributions in three categories as having equal weighting in the final decision: teaching performance, development of new teaching methods, and curricular innovation.
Full-time (or equivalent) faculty who are within the first ten years following receipt of their Ph.D. (or other appropriate terminal degrees), and have had a minimum of two academic years of appointment as a faculty member, are eligible to be nominated. Individuals nominated for this award must be members of the IEEE Education Society and members of the IEEE.
Nomination Details:

Nomination Deadline: 9 June 


2023 Recipient of Mac Van Valkenburg Early Career Teaching Award
Rebecca Reck

For innovative contributions to undergraduate education, laboratory curriculum, and inclusive pedagogy methods.

Dimitris Papailiopoulos

For his dedication to teaching excellence, his focus on student-centered learning success, and his championing of active learning strategies in both his own teaching and among colleagues.

Geoffrey L. Herman

For his dedication to teaching, for his expertise in bridging research and practice in engineering education, and for his ability to inspire students and colleagues alike

Samuel Dickerson

For early career innovations in undergraduate electrical and computer engineering education and contributions to the engineering education research community

Robert Pilawa-Podgurski

For demonstrated passion for teaching and commitment to individual student growth, and his curriculum innovations in hands-on learning in the area of electric power and energy systems

Jill K. Nelson