Society Membership

The IEEE Education Society was founded in 1957 as the Professional Group on Education of the Institute of Radio Engineers. It is a worldwide society of thousands of professionals dedicated to ensuring high-quality education in science and engineering. Our members engage students each day, research, and propose new theories in learning science, develop new learning technology, and innovate classroom practice.

We welcome your contributions to our community and hope you can benefit from the dialog the society helps to foster. If you are already working as an educator, or if you are a student considering a future as an educator then we encourage you to join us⧉ if you do not already belong to our Society. We hope you will consider us part of your professional network as you progress through your career.

VP for Membership & Geographic Activities

Rosa Maria Vasconcelos

University of Minho
8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)

Member Benefits & Resources


The IEEE Education Society sponsors four high-impact journals in engineering education. Society membership provides free electronic access to our IEEE Access: IEEE Education Society Section, the IEEE Transactions on Education, and IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje (IEEE RITA). Members can also subscribe to the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies at a reduced rate.


We sponsor several global events worldwide each year that provide continuing education, workshops, networking, and professional development for teachers of engineering, computing, and sciences. The conferences sponsored are FIE ⧉(Regions 1-7), EDUCON ⧉ (Region 8), EDUNINE ⧉ (Region 9), TALE ⧉ (Region 10), and DEMOcon (formerly LWMOOCs) ⧉ (rotating worldwide).


Local groups of members are called Chapters and we have over 70 chapters worldwide. We are proud of our volunteer members that prepare continuing education events in their local towns or geographic regions. Learn more about our chapters here.

Educational Activities

At the heart of the Education Society is a passion for education. We sponsor many educational activities including, but not limited to, a robust Distinguished Lecturer program, MERLOT peer-reviewed higher education learning materials, a Technical Committee on Learning Sciences, webinars, and much more. 

Young Professionals Program (YP)

If you are an IEEE Member who has received your first professional degree within the last fifteen years, you are automatically part of IEEE YP.  You can learn more about YP on the IEEE website here ⧉. The IEEE Education Society would like to find better ways to serve your needs as an EdSoc YP member. Your feedback is important to us as it will increase the variety and quality of the many services the IEEE Education Society already offers you. Click here to provide feedback to the Society

Membership Fees

Education Society membership covers one calendar year, beginning on 1 January and ending on 31 December. Professionals can join at any time during the calendar year and fees are prorated based on the month in which membership begins through the end of the calendar year. The cost of membership includes Society dues plus the specified amount based on the region in which you reside. IEEE Membership rates can be found on the IEEE website here ⧉. Society membership dues are listed below.

Membership Type


Professional Member

$22 USD

Student Member

$1 USD

Non-IEEE Member

$103 USD

Downloadable Resources

Education Society Multilingual Membership Flyers


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