TLT Taxonomy Page

TLT Taxonomy

N. Learning Technologies

   O. General

  1. Learning Environments
    1. Educational Games
    2. Learning via Discovery
    3. Fieldwork Learning
    4. Virtual Labs
    5. Educational Simulations
    6. Nomadic Learning Environments
    7. Virtual and Augmented Reality
  2. E-Learning Tools
    1. Web Lectures and Notes
    2. Learning Management Systems
    3. Lecture Notes
    4. Discussion Forums
    5. Instructor Interfaces
    6. Homework Support Systems
    7. Automatic Assessment Tools
    8. Self-Assessment Technologies
  3. Social Technologies
    1. Social Learning Techniques
    2. Collaborative Learning Tools
    3. Social Networking
    4. Knowledge Sharing
    5. Peer Tutoring
    6. Peer Reviewing
    7. User-Generated Learning Content
  4. Adaptive and Intelligent Educational Systems
    1. Intelligent Tutoring Systems
    2. Adaptive Hypermedia
    3. Personalized E-Learning
  5. Standards and Interoperability
    1. E-Learning Standards
    2. Learning Objects
    3. Ontologies
    4. Web Services
    5. Authoring Tools
  6. Devices for Learning
    1. Mobile and Personal Devices
    2. Tablet PCs
    3. Classroom Feedback Systems
    4. Multitouch Devices
    5. Large Screen Interaction

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