Elio San Cristóbal


Elio San Cristóbal


Elio San Cristóbal Ruiz is Doctor in Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering Systems by the Higher School of Industrial Engineers of UNED (Spanish university for distance learning). He also holds the titles of Computer Engineer, specializing in Software Engineering, by the Pontifical University of Salamanca (UPS) and a Technical Engineer in Computer Systems degree by the same University.
At this moment he is Associate professor (full time) in the Department of Electrical and Computer in the Technical School of Industrial Engineering. He has published many articles in journals with JCRs and conferences, such as EDUCON, FIE, in the field of computer, education and electronic. He has also participated in many European projects and in a NFS project.

He has participated in different conferences. For instance:
• Local committee of EDUCON 2010 (Madrid, Spain)
• Local committee of FIE 2014 (Madrid, Spain)
• Publicity Co-chairs of LWMOOCS 2018
• Local committee of LWMOOCS 2018 (Madrid, Spain)
• EDUCON Advisory Board in EDUCON 2020 (Porto. Portugal)

He is IEEE member from 2004. He was president of IEEE UNED student branch from 12/1/2008 to 12/1/2010 and received IEEE Student Leadership Award in 2012. He was web advisor of IEEE education society webpage from 2015 to 2017. He was member at large by appointment of the IEEE Education Society President from 2019 to 2020. He has also Participated in developing the 1876-2019 - IEEE Standard for Networked Smart Learning Objects for Online Laboratories from IEEE education society. At this moment, he is member of the working group of the P2834- IEEE Standard for Standard for Secure and Trusted Learning Systems.

Position Statement:
• Promoting tasks related to engineering and education. Both locally and internationally. And therefore, giving more visibility to IEEE education society.
• Working with the rest of member of IEEE society in enhancing the IEEE education society conferences and journals
• Promoting the creation of IEEE education society standards. Where different member can work together, and the results have an impact in our community.
• Promoting the participation of our members and student branches in the creation of working group, webinars, etc. These activities are very useful for our members and for future members.
• Promote the use of new software and hardware such IoT to create new learning scenarios that can be applied to school, Institutes and universities (face-to-face, blended or/and distance learning)