The Scholarship of Application Submission Requirements: 8 pages Maximum, Mandatory Page Charges after 10 pages. Contributions within this area of scholarship will often describe how prior research on learning and teaching (either general research, or research in a specific knowledge domain such as engineering) has been applied to create or design educational activities in electrical engineering (EE), computer engineering (CpE), and other fields within the scope of interest of IEEE. These activities include, but are not limited to, courses, course segments, curricula, laboratory experiments, course projects, capstone courses, and outreach activities. Faculty members across the world design these activities for their students, but to be published in the IEEE Transactions on Education a paper describing this work must (a) demonstrate application of published educational research and (b) provide a cogently articulated rationale for key design decisions. Review Criteria: Relevance: How relevant are issues, practices and applications described in the manuscript to education in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and fields within the scope of interest of IEEE? Are significant issues in these areas clearly articulated? How significant and prevalent is the issue? How widespread among engineering educators is interest in the issues, practices, and applications presented in this manuscript? Intended outcomes: What outcomes were the authors seeking? To what extent were the outcomes explicit and clearly stated? If the authors present approaches to instruction, how well have authors articulated intended learning outcomes or objectives? Did the authors just mention the course or topic or did they articulate clear intentions for instructional strategies described in the manuscript? Context: Have the authors analyzed prior research related to their intended contribution? Have they identified the appropriate references? Have they situated their work within the context of prior research? Application Design: In the scholarship of application, a key focus is on decisions that authors made as they applied existing knowledge and research. This criterion focuses on these decisions. What were key decisions that needed to be made in the process of designing approaches, strategies, tactics, activities, behaviors, and structures to achieve the outcomes? Have the authors identified and explained the key decisions that were needed for their approach? For each decision, what are alternatives drawn from the literature that were, or should have been, considered? To what extent have the authors considered possible alternatives, including alternatives described in prior research? For each decision, what were the criteria used to guide prioritization among the alternatives? To what extent have the criteria that the authors use in making their decisions been clearly and adequately explained? How did the authors prioritize their alternatives, based on their criteria? Did they describe how they arrived at their decisions? Were the descriptions clear and the reasoning solid? Findings: Once the choices were made and implemented, to what extent did the activity achieve intended outcomes? Is evidence presented by the authors sufficient to support the findings? Has the evidence been analyzed and interpreted according to accepted practices? Conclusions: To what extent have the authors articulated intended contributions in education in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or fields within the scope of interest of IEEE? What is the significance of the contributions? What is the significance of the conclusions? Are opportunities for further innovations in practice identified? Are potential research questions identified? Are implications for broader acceptance of the applications considered? Organization and Clarity: To what extent does the manuscript demonstrate effectively organized, clear, and concise presentation appropriate for the readership of the IEEE Transactions on Education? To be appropriate for publication in an IEEE journal, a manuscript must be written in grammatically-correct English, and in the third person. Illustrations: To what extent do tables and figures meaningfully add to the narrative? Structured Abstract Requirements For submission, to the area of Scholarship of Application, the following sections will be required. Contribution: Contributions are expected to go beyond the description of an approach. Briefly describe what has been learned from the study and what is distinctive and/or novel about the approach described in the study. Background: Briefly describe the rationale for the study presented in the manuscript, that is, why is the study needed? The background is expected to establish a context that suggests the study has broad application in many programs across the world. Intended outcomes: Briefly list desired outcomes of the approach. Application design: Briefly describe the rationale for the selected instructional approach. Findings: Briefly summarize the findings of the study. Example: O. Vojinovic, V. Simic, I. Milentijevic and V. Ciric, "Tiered Assignments in Lab Programming Sessions: Exploring Objective Effects on Students’ Motivation and Performance," in IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 164-172, Aug. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TE.2019.2961647.⧉