Distinguished Chapter Leadership Award

To recognize a Society member who has, over a sustained period of time, made an exceptional contribution to the Society, which has manifested itself at a local Chapter.

Nominate Today or Submit a Reference Letter

Commemorative Plaque, a Certificate, and paid registration to the next fall's Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference if the award is to be presented there.
IEEE Education Society
Annually, at Frontiers in Education Conference unless other arrangements are made with the Awards Committee Chair
Basis for Judging:
Based upon the following factors: leadership roles and leadership quality, which have provided an innovative, inventive, and/or important service/contribution to a local Chapter of the IEEE Education Society over a sustained period of time.
Individuals nominated for this award must be a member of the Society and the IEEE.
Nomination Details:

Nomination Deadline: 9 June


German Cabuya

Russ Meier

Martín Llamas Nistal

Bakr Hassan

Edmundo Tovar

Michael E. Auer